서울대학교 출판문화원
도서주문 서점전용
  • The Observable Mundane
  • Vernacular Chinese and the Emergence of a Literary Discourse on Popular Narrative in Edo Japan
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  • Emanuel Pastreich [저] l 초판 2011.06.21 l 발행 2011.06.21
  • 회원리뷰 0
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    3,750원 (5% 적립)
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ISBN 9788952111777
초판발행일 2011.06.21
최근발행일 2011.06.21
면수/판형 368(쪽) / 신국판[153*225]
Japanese writers, spurred by a radical expansion of print culture, were in search of genres that offered themes and vocabulary appropriate to the unprecedented expansion of urban culture in Osaka and Edo. Chinese texts offered new horizons and also provided literary criticism on vernacular narrative that inspired Japanese critics to write about their own vernacular narratives and drama, for the first time, as a form of literature. Whereas China has been understood previously through a narrow range of normative texts received as models for composition and conduct, the vernacular Chinese narratives introduced into Japan from the late 17th century revealed a larger body of heterogeneous and overlapping registers of language that made the question of what China was more complex. The rampages of bandits, the cunning of prostitutes and the scheming of petty merchants that inhabited Chinese vernacular narrative took the place of an idyllic realm of the ancient sages.


Emanuel Pastreich

  • 미국 하버드대 동아시아 언어문화학 박사
  • The Observable Mundane: Vernacular Chinese and the Emergence of a Literary Discourse on Popular Narrative in Edo Japan (서울대학교출판문화원, 2011)



1. The Status of Vernacular Chinese Language and Narrative in Japan
2. The Social Structure of Edo Japan and the Role of the Intellectual
3. Distinguishing Characteristics of Chinese Vernacular Language
4. The Historical Problematic of Vernacular Literature

Chapter 1 The Translation of Chinese Vernacular Novels in Edo Japan
1. The Implications of the Fall of the Ming Dynasty
2. Ming Exiles and Appropriation of Chinese Culture
3. The First Translations of Chinese Vernacular Narrative
4. Mature Translations of Chinese Vernacular Narrative: Inching towards the Modern
5. Translation as Understanding: Hagiwara Hiromichi’s Approach to Chinese Vernacular Narrative and Tale of Genji

Chapter 2 Okajima Kanzan’s Project: From Language to Literature in the Study of Vernacular Chinese
1. Okajima Kanzan as a Translator
2. Kanzan’s Primer for Vernacular Chinese: Tōwazan’yō
3. The Japanese Classic Taiheiki Reworked in Vernacular Chinese: Taiheiki engi and Okajima Kanzan4. Kanzan’s Later Years

Chapter 3 Ogyū Sorai and the Discursive Status of Chinese: The Argument for Direct Understanding in Yakubunsentei
1. Ogyū Sorai’s Intellectual Posture
2. Sorai’s Strategy for Interpretation
3. The Role of Translation at Sorai’s School and the Yakubunsentei(A Device for Translation)
4. Sorai’s Approach to Language in the Yakubunsentei
5. Language Becomes a Field: A New Universal Principle for Investigation
6. Deflating the Exterior Discourse; Extolling Internal Understanding

Chapter 4 The Confirmation of the Everyday in the School of Itō Jinsai
1. Chinese Vernacular Narrative in the Kansai Region
2. Itō Tōgai Turns to the Chinese Vernacular
3. The Birth of Vernacular Literature: Itō Tōgai's Students Reconsider the Overlooked

Chapter 5 Oka Hakku and Sawada Issai: Presenting Chinese Vernacular Narrative for the General Reader
1. Oka Hakku: a Professional Teacher of Chinese Vernacular Narrative
2. Sawada Issai’s Defense of the Vernacular in his Huaben Story Collection Novels in Refined Words

Chapter 6 Beyond Language; Vernacular Chinese and the Broader Investigation of the Overlooked
1. The Literary Experiments of Sawada Issai: Vernacular Chinese as Mirror of the Japanese Parole
2. Daily Life in Japan Reflected in the Mirror of Vernacular Chinese
3. Matsumuro Shōkō’s Pleasure Quarters Harsh Reality Reflected in a Sympathetic Eye

Chapter 7 Chinese Vernacular Language and the Literature of Play in Japan:The Rise of Gesaku in Eighteenth-Century Japan
1. Asobi Literature of the Pleasure Quarters and the Study of Chinese Language
2. Ryōhashigen: the Cutting Edge of Words
3. Sharebon Narrative after Ryōhashigen
4. Watō Chinkai and the Complete Assimilation of the Alien Vernacular

Chapter 8 Implications of the Reception of Chinese Vernacular Language for Popular Narrative for Japan
1. Towards a Visible Vernacular: Implications of the Chinese Language Studies Movement for Late Edo and Meiji Literature
2. Language and Universal Discourse in Japan: Prospects for the Future

Introduction Yakubunsentei (A Tool for Translation)


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- 변심반품의 경우 수령 후 7일 이내, 상품의 결함 및 계약내용과 다를 경우 문제점 발견 후 30일 이내
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반품/교환 불가 사유 - 소비자의 책임 있는 사유로 상품 등이 손실 또는 훼손된 경우 (단지 확인을 위한 포장 훼손은 제외)
- 소비자의 사용, 포장 개봉에 의해 상품 등의 가치가 현저히 감소한 경우 예) 화장품, 식품, 가전제품(악세서리 포함) 등
- 복제가 가능한 상품 등의 포장을 훼손한 경우 예) 음반/DVD/비디오, 소프트웨어, 만화책, 잡지, 영상 화보집
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- 전자상거래 등에서의 소비자보호에 관한 법률이 정하는 소비자 청약철회 제한 내용에 해당되는 경우
상품 품절 재고 사정에 의해 품절/지연될 수 있으며, 품절 시 관련 사항에 대해서는 이메일과 문자로 안내드리겠습니다.
소비자 피해보상
환불지연에 따른 배상
- 상품의 불량에 의한 교환, A/S, 환불, 품질보증 및 피해보상 등에 관한 사항은 소비자분쟁해결 기준 (공정거래위원회 고시)에 준하여 처리됨
- 대금 환불 및 환불지연에 따른 배상금 지급 조건, 절차 등은 전자상거래 등에서의 소비자 보호에 관한 법률에 따라 처리함
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평일: 오전 09:00 ~ 오후 06:00
점심: 오후 12:00 ~ 오후 01:00
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